Please note: Lite users do not have access to Inventory. If you would like to upgrade to the Standard version, contact or 1-888-486-4343 option 1.
Click on File, Inventory.
Click on the Vendors bubble. Hit New and enter the vendor's information. Hit Save when done.
Click on the Categories bubble.
Categories allow you to be as broad or as specific as you'd like in terms of tracking sales. For example, you can enter a category called Dog Food and attach that to all dog food items. The sales report will print one total for all Dog Food. Or, you can enter a category called Brand X Dog Food and attach it to only Brand X food. You can then create a category called Brand Y Dog Food and attach it to all Brand Y food. When you run the sales report, you will get a total for each brand.
To track your sales report by Category, click on Reports, Revenue, Sales report. You can either print for all categories or click Select One and choose which Categories in the list.
The next step is to enter your Inventory items.
Hit New before each item and Save when done.
Please note: The Vendor and Category at the top of the screen (circled in grey) is how you sort this list. It doesn't attach to any item.
Retain boxes (circled in yellow) are a shortcut way to enter inventory items. With these boxes checked, each new item will have the same Vendors, Categories, etc. (whatever is checked) so you don't need to check them each time. Be sure to uncheck this box when you are entering items for a different vendor.
Code: You can use a barcode in this box (circled in black) or name such as Brand X Dog Food 2. Click here for information on using a barcode scanner.
Tax 1/Tax 2: Check the box(es) (circled in orange) that apply. The tax will be automatically applied on the invoice.
See Tax Rate for instructions on setting up your tax rate.
Vendor/Category: Choose the appropriate Vendor and Category from the drop down menus (circled in dark purple).
On Hand: On Hand (circled in green) is how many of these items you have in stock.
Low: Low (circled in green) is the number at which you want to order more. KC will count down your inventory, starting with the On Hand number. Once it reaches the Low number, the inventory item will print on the Low report found by clicking reports at the top of the screen. Setting a low number will also result in a popup message when adding that item to the invoice.
Please note: In order for KC to keep an accurate count of inventory items on hand, the inventory item must be marked as a Product.
Recurring: The recurring checkbox (circled in dark blue) is a shortcut way of having this particular inventory item show on every invoice. Let's say you charge all clients an insurance fee. Check the recurring box and the insurance fee will show on every invoice created.
Please note: The recurring item will be charged for each pet so if there are two pets on the invoice, the item will be on the invoice twice.
Cost/Markup/Retail: Enter your cost and markup (circled in pink). Hit the Tab key on the keyboard and KC will calculate the Retail. The Retail price is what shows on the invoice.
Please note: Cost and Markup are optional. Cost will show on Reports, Revenue, Cost vs Retail.
Vndr Item #/Desc: Enter the Vendor Item # (if needed) and Description (circled in purple). The Description will show on the invoice.
Invoice msg: You can add an invoice message (circled in light blue) that will popup on the screen when that item is added to an invoice. You can use this for an item that's on sale, for example.
Commissionable: If this is a commissionable item, check the box (circled in brown). You can enter a rate and type here.
Click on Commissions for further information on setting up commissions.
If these are retail items, they need to be marked as Products (circled in brown).
QBDL: If you have QuickBooks DirectLink enabled, you will attach it to an income account (circled in dark pink). You can also set an expiration date for the item.