Tax rate

Tax rate

You can enter your tax rate into Kennel Connection and have it automatically apply to items on the invoice.

Click on File, Business Info.

There is a Tax 1 and Tax 2 box.  Some areas or countries require two taxes.  If you only have one, enter it in the Tax 1 box.

The field is saved as a percentage.  If your tax rate is 7.75%, you will enter 7.75 in the box, not 0.0775.

Do not check the options circled in blue unless required by your city/state.

Once you have the tax rate entered, you are ready to attach it to inventory items.

Lite Users

Click on Utilities, Lite Tax Utility.

Check the Tax 1 and/or Tax 2 boxes for which item(s) are to be taxed.

You can also add a rate on this screen.

Standard users

Click on File, Inventory.

Click on the item and check the Tax 1 and/or Tax 2 box.  Hit Save after each one.

Now the item will be automatically taxed on the invoice.

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