You can use the barcode scanner for two purposes: You can scan retail items onto an invoice instead of searching for the code and you can automatically create appointments and check the pet in/out for the Daycare module, and check pets in/out for the other modules.
First, you need to configure the barcode scanner to work with Kennel Connection. Here are the articles that contain the configuration sheets:
(Discontinued model) Honeywell Voyager MS9520 Wired Barcode Scanner Configuration
(New Model) Honeywell Voyager 1200g Programming Guide
Honeywell Voyager 1202g WIRELESS Barcode Scanner Configuration Instructions
You will need to print out the email and scan the barcodes according to the instructions. This is not something we can do for you. It has to be printed and scanned by you.
After it has been configured, you need to set it up in KC.
Click on File, System Options, Local tab.
Click the option for 'Barcode scanner is attached to this computer'.
There are other options you can enable.
Click Apply and OK to exit the screen.
For Inventory
Now you can scan barcodes into inventory.
Click on File, Inventory.
Your cursor needs to be flashing on the invoice in order for the scanner to work properly. This allows it to go to the next line as you scan items. You can either click in the box each time or have 'Scan box is automatically checked' enabled in System Options. Scan your items onto the invoice. It will populate a Qty (Quantity) of 1, populate the code, description and price, then go to the next line.
For the Daycare module
Click on File, System Options, Daycare tab.
Click the box for 'Auto-create booking and check pet in'. This means when you scan the key tag for the pet, KC automatically creates the daycare appointment and checks the pet in/out.
You also need to choose a default daycare type. If a pet does not have a default daycare type/room on his pet card, he will be booked into the default type/room in System Options.
Please note: If 'Auto-create' is grayed out and you can't click on it, that means you have no Daycare Rooms/Types set up in File, Lists, Daycare Rooms/Types. You must have at least one setup.
If you want to book the pet in a different room/type, open the pet card, Daycare tab and choose his default from the drop down.
Now you are ready to assign a key tag to a pet. Open the pet card, click in the Barcode field and scan the key tag. Hit Ok to close the record.
To scan the pet on the schedule, your cursor must be flashing in the Scan box. Remember that if you click on something else on the screen, you have to click back in the Scan box. Some businesses set up a computer that is solely for scanning key tags.
For all other modules
KC will check in/out the pet when you scan the key tag but all other modules require the pet already have an appointment made.
In order for KC to check the pet in/out when scanning the key tag, your cursor needs to be flashing in the Scan box.