Runs - Setting up and using runs

Runs - Setting up and using runs

Click on File, Lists, Run Sizes.

You must first set up the different run sizes.  Kennel Connection comes with sizes Small, Medium, and Large.  You can keep those sizes or rename them.

If you are adding new sizes, be sure to hit New before typing and Save when done.

Choose the Pet Type.

You can also set up a rate through this screen.  Rate is for the first pet.

If you offer discounts for multiple pets, enter those rates for 1st - 5th pet. 

Please note: If you do not enter a multipet rate, KC will charge $0 for those pets on the multipet appointment screen.

Click here to learn about multipet board rates by runs.

Click here to learn more about multipet board rates by weight class.


Next, you need to set up the number of runs you have.  Click on the Runs tab.

Please note:  Hit New before entering your new run or you will be overwriting the current run.  Hit Save when done.

Runs are grouped together by the first number.  So that run 1 isn't grouped with 11, 12, 13 and run 2 isn't grouped with 21, 22, 23, you'll want to name 1-9 runs as 01, 02, 03.  If you have over 100 runs, name them 001, 002, 003, up to 099.

Choose the pet type and run size.  Choosing the run size is what attaches the multiple pet rates.


Please note:  You are able to use runs in other modules.  Click here for directions.

The next step is to setup your boarding parameters for runs and charging.

Click on File, System Options, Boarding tab.

Require Run Numbers - If this box is checked, you are required to choose a run number when making an appointment.  If you choose a run that is already occupied, KC will popup a screen asking if you want to choose a different run or use this run anyway.



Require run numbers - If you leave this box unchecked, you can still choose a run number but it is not required.  If Require run numbers is unchecked KC will not do a check to see if that run is occupied.

To prevent overbooking, you need to tell KC what is the maximum number of cats and dogs you can take.  You will get a popup warning when you are overbooking.



Charge by run rate - If this box is checked, then KC will charge by the run rate.  There will be no option to change the price on the appointment screen.   If you need to adjust the price, you will need to do so on the invoice.  It will list a line item for every run the pet is in.  If a pet stays in 3 runs during their stay, it will list 3 line items for Boarding for each run with each run's rate.



Charge by run rate - If this box is unchecked, there will be a rate box on the appointment screen.  When you choose a run, KC will populate its rate in the rate box.  However, you are able to adjust the price if needed on this screen.  There will only be one line item on the invoice for the Boarding charge.  If a pet is in runs with different prices, KC will use the rate from the first run.

Setting up runs


Please note:  You are able to enter default boarding rates on the pet card.  KC will populate that rate onto the appointment screen.  When you choose a run with a different rate, you'll get a popup message asking if you want to use the run rate instead.



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