Run glance

Run glance

The Run Glance shows you all appointments booked into runs.  You can sort it by All appointments or by specific modules.

Run glance

Run glance

The appointments will be color coded based on arrival and departure times, checked in/out status, if it's a training appointment, if it's a one day stay or if it is a mixed run.

Click here for more information on arrival/departure times.

Click here for more information on Mixed color.

You can move pets to different runs through the Run Glance.

Double click on the pet's name, 17A in this case.

A popup screen will list all appointment days for this week. Check the X box for the days you want to move the pet.

To move the pet to the same run for all days, choose the run from the drop down menu.

Run glance

Or, you can opt to move the pet for part of the days and/or choose a different run each day.

Run glance

If there are multiple pets in the run, there will be a popup screen so you can choose which pet(s) you want to move.

Run glance

You can also view this screen on the boarding appointment screen.

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