Run glance has color coding for AM/PM checkins/checkouts

Run glance has color coding for AM/PM checkins/checkouts

The Run Glance has different colors for AM and PM Arrivals and Departures.  This is so you will know if a run is to be vacated in the morning or afternoon when making appointments.

Please note:  If an appointment does not have an In or Out Time, the Run Glance defaults to an AM Arrival and PM Departure.

In our example below:

1 - Frances Fufu and Gigi has a 12:15 PM checkin and 9:15 AM checkout.

2 - Fireball has an 8:30 AM checkin and 11:00 AM checkout.

3 - Kiki has a 10:00 AM checkin and 3:00 PM checkout.

Run glance

On the Run Glance:

1 - Frances Fufu and Gigi are color coded for a PM Arrival and AM Departure.

2 - Fireball is color coded for an AM Arrival and AM Departure.

3 - Kiki is color coded for an AM Arrival and PM Departure.

Run glance

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