Multilocation - Configuring Kennel Connection to send emails

Multilocation - Configuring Kennel Connection to send emails

Emails must be configured for each location.

Click here for directions if you use a Gmail address.

To configure Kennel Connection to send email, click on Setup, Business Info.

Click on Email.

This information comes from your email provider.  If you are unsure of the settings, contact your provider for assistance or do a Google search for them. Example: If I'm using email, I would do a search for "Gmail SMTP settings".

The Authentication Type is always Login.

The username is your full email address.

The password is the password for your email account.

Your email provider will need to tell you the Outgoing server, Port and whether you use SSL or TLS.

Once you have the correct settings, hit the Test email settings button.

If you get the test email, KC has been configured properly and you are ready to use any email function in the program.

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