Hello-Groom - Setting up Other Services

Hello Groom - Setting up Other Services

You are able to add as many Other Services as you would like and add them to appointments.  You can track commissions and set their own Category so you can separate these services on the Sales report to get the total revenue per service.

Click on Setup, Lists, Other Services.

Hit New.  Enter the name, description, rate and check Tax 1/Tax 2 box as needed.

Enter how many times per how many days this service should be given. 

You can also setup commissions for Other Services.  Click here for directions.

Your are able to set up the item with its own category to track revenue for each Other Service separately on the Sales report.  This is in Setup, Inventory, Categories.

Click Add new item.  Enter the category and hit Save.

Once you get the list of Other Services, you are ready to add them to appointments.

Scroll to the bottom of the appointment screen.  Choose the service and assign an employee if needed.  The employee is required if commissions are to be given for this service.

To print a list of Other Services for the day, click on Reports, Lists, Other Services.  Choose the date range. 

To get a total revenue of each service, click on Reports, Revenue, Sales Report.

Detailed shows the invoice line detail including pet name, client name and line description.

Summary shows a total only for each category.

You can either print by All Categories or click Select and "..." to choose the Categories you want.

The report will list revenue for Other Services based on the Category you have attached to the item in Lists.

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