Groom durations

Groom durations

There are three places to enter groom durations (length of the groom appointment).  KC will load the first one it finds onto the appointment screen.

The first place that KC will look is the pet card, Grooming tab.  

Next, it looks at File, Lists, Breeds.  

Lastly it looks at File, System Options, Grooming tab.

Adjust all default durations

You can reset all default durations on the pet card at one time by using the 'Adjust Durations for all Pets' in File, System options.  Any pet that has a duration on card will be updated to the new time.

IMPORTANT:  You cannot undo this action once it's done.  It's highly recommended that you backup the database before doing these steps.  If a mistake is made, you can restore the backup.  Click here for backup instructions.

For example, this pet is set to 75 mins.

You can adjust the duration to 90 mins by setting that time and clicking on Adjust duration button.

Now the pet card will show 90 for his default time.

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