Welcome to the "Getting Started With The New Online Reservation System!
If you're reading this, you're probably eager to get started! Here are a few things you MUST do before you can use the new system.
All settings for OLR are controlled and set from inside your Live Access system. Login with your admin account for full control/access.
IMPORTANT: In order to know if your customers are cancelling their appointments from the Client Portal, you MUST enable "Track Cancelled Reservations" from KC desktop System options, global tab. Without this enabled, the cancelled appointments will not show as cancelled/grayed out on your schedules and you may not know they have cancelled.
WARNING: You MUST click the SAVE Button while setting your OLR settings. Failure to do so will result in loss of all your settings if you click another screen from the menu.
Part 1: Main Settings.
Once logged in the first thing we must do is make sure the OLR is turned on. To do this click on "Online Reservations" on the left menu and choose "Use & Registration"
Enable the modules you wish to have Online Reservations (OLR) made for. (Note, if you ever need to shut down OLR, you can uncheck these settings and save changes.)
If not done previously, set your settings for "Existing Clients"
Set your settings for "New Clients"
Set your Client Portal/Page settings and save your changes.
Part 2: Individual Module Settings.
On the left-hand menu, click "OLR Settings.
The first tab to be highlighted will be Boarding. (Note if you've enabled OLR for all modules, you must complete these settings for each module.)
Under each module tab will be sub-tabs. Start with General and work your way through. Read through all settings. (BE SURE TO SAVE CHANGES.)
In the upper right hand corner there is a "Preview Changes" button. Click this at any time to see what your settings will look like to your customers!
There are more detailed setting guides available here:
Boarding: Online Reservation Settings (Boarding)
Grooming: Online Reservation Settings (Grooming)
Daycare: Online Reservation Settings (Daycare)
A few notes on this option.
TIP! You can customize the pending and confirmed appointment success message and add custom notes like you see above. This can be done from the OLR Settings, module, customize pages setting.
2. Your clients will see a PENDING tag on their appointment in Client Portal.
3. Your clients will receive a confirmation email once you approve their appointment. (Please note this requires email to be setup in KC desktop and confirmation emails to be turned on.)
Configuring Kennel Connection to send emails
4. These appointments will show on your "Pending Appointments" list in Live Access where you must approve, deny, edit/save the appointment.
Part 3: Adding Custom design to your Client Portal/OLR system.
While the Client Portal/OLR system comes ready to use, you may want to add your own touch to the clients pages. On the left hand menu in Live Access, click the Design OLR Page which will take you to the design page.
Here you can add your custom designs, text, images, links and any promos you may want to showcase. (Tip: Many places will have a special page on their existing business website where they showcase promos and each time the promo changes, they can edit that page. If you have one of these, you can link your promo card here in OLR to that specific web page! If you don't have one, as your web-designer how you can get one.)
Here is more detailed info on customizations: Designing your own Client Portal Page
Part 4: Setting up your OLR Email options.
You'll want to configure these email options before getting started with using OLR. These are for staff notifications of new reservations along with confirmation/denial emails for your customer's that are signing up.
Email & Notification options for OLR (Confirm/deny & Staff notifications)