Departure services

Departure services

You are able to add departure services for Boarding, Daycare and Resident Training.

Departure services are Bath, Groom, Nails or Others.

If you have more than one Others, you can setup that up as Other Services.  Click here for details.  

On the appointment screen, click on the Departure Services tab.

Check the boxes for BGNO as needed, put in the price and choose the employee.

Boarding and Resident training lets you choose the Others service, Anal glands in this case.  If this is a daycare departure service you will need to modify the groom appointment and choose the Others service there.

When adding a departure service, KC requires that you enter an out time.

If you enter the out time on the departure service screen, that is the time the groom appointment will be made for.

If you enter the time on the General tab, KC will book the groom appointment 2 hours before that.  So for example if you say the pet is checking out of boarding at 2pm, the groom appointment will be made for 12pm.

The departure service appointment will be added to the Grooming schedule, color coded in blue for departure service.

In this example, the Hazel pets are departure service appointments and Bella is a groom appointment.

The kennel card will have a notation if the pet is getting a departure service.

The daycare card will also have a notation for departure services.

The grooming log will have a notation if this is a departure service appointment.

You can print a report for departure services under Reports, Boarding, Departure Services or Reports, Daycare, Departure Services.

This report will also list what Others service the pet is to get.

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