If daycare packages are not counting down, verify that your settings are correct in File, System Options, Daycare tab.
1 - If you use both half and full days, it must be set to 'Decrement daycare package on CHECK OUT.
If you ONLY use full day packages, you can choose either option but 'Decrement daycare package on CHECK IN' is the easiest option as the day will come out as soon as you check the pet in.
2 - If you use half day packages, 'Enable half day packages' must be checked.
3 - If you want packages to go negative, check "Allow negative values for packages". This is an optional choice. Please note that if your packages have expiration dates, they will not go negative. You must choose either to have packages with negative values or have packages with expiration dates.
4 - "Adjust in/out time on pet check in/out" must be checked. This makes KC adjust the times on the appointment so it is an accurate count of how long the pet was there for.
5 - If you use half day packages, you must tell it what your Half-Day Package Definition - either a certain number of hours or checkout before a certain time. There is no leeway here. It is a definite time. If you put your half day is less than or equal to 4 hours, KC will charge a full day at 4 hours and 1 minute.
6 - If you use both half and full day packages and want the option to take a half day from a full day package, check the box for "Apply Full Package Days (if any) when there are no Half day Packages". This means the package will go from 10 days to 9.5 days at checkout. This is an optional choice. If you choose not to enable this option, if a pet only has 10 full days and is there for half a day, you will need to create the invoice.
Next, go to File, Packages, Daycare pkgs and verify half day packages are set properly by checking the half day box.
If the half day box was not checked, any of these packages already on the pet or client card will not count down as a half day package. You'll need to delete them and Add them again as a half day package.
You can run a report to get a list of clients/pets that you'll need to re-sell the half day package. Click here for details.
If you are still having an issue, contact Support at Support@SoftwareConnectionLLC.com or 1-888-486-4343 option 2.