Cloud - Entering inventory

Cloud - Entering inventory

Click on Setup, Inventory.

Adding Vendors lets you print your inventory list by vendor to get a list of items for a specific vendor.  This is not required.

Click on Vendors.
Click Add New Item to begin.  
Enter the vendor name and any other information needed.
Hit Save when done.

Categories allow you to be as broad or as specific as you'd like in terms of tracking sales.  For example, you can enter a category called Dog Food and attach that to all dog food items.  The sales report will print one total for all Dog Food.  Or, you can enter a category called Brand X Dog Food and attach it to only Brand X food.  You can then create a category called Brand Y Dog Food and attach it to all Brand Y food.  When you run the sales report, you will get a total for each brand.

When you purchase Kennel Connection, it comes with a list of categories.  When entering new inventory items, you can either attach them to existing categories or to new categories created.

Click on Categories.
Hit New Item to begin.
Enter the category name and hit Save when done.

To track your sales report by Category, click on Reports, Revenue.

Click on Sales report.  

You can either print for all categories or click Select One and choose which Categories in the list.

The next step is to enter your Inventory items.  Click on Inventory.

Hit Add New item to begin.

Red box - Enter the code.  This can be a description or UPC code.  This is the info you will use to find the item on an invoice.
Green box - Check the box(es) if this item will be taxed.  The item must be marked as a Product so that it will count down the On Hand number.
Gray box - Choose the vendor.  You can attach up to three vendors.  Choose the Category for the sales report.
Orange box - 
On Hand - This is how many items you currently have in inventory.
Cost - The amount you pay for the item.
Retail - The amount your client pays for the item.
Low - The number the On Hand gets to before it's time to reorder.
Yellow box - Enter a description.  This will display on the invoice.
Enter an invoice message.  This will display on the invoice.
Blue box - Check the commissionable box and enter a rate if needed.  Click on Commissions to learn more.
Hit Save.

The On Hand amount shows in red.
The Invoice message shows in blue.
The description shows in orange.

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