You can set different commission rates for different services and products and have Kennel Connection calculate the employee's commissions for a specified date range.
In order for Commissions to work, you have to complete four steps.
Set the employee as commissionable and set their rates
Click on Setup, Employees, Commissions tab.
To add a different rate for different services:
Mark each inventory item as commissionable
Click on Setup, Inventory.
Mark each Other Services and Special Services as commissionable
Please note: Commission rates for these services must be set in the Lists screen and each employee will get the same rate.
Click on Setup, Lists.
Hit Save after each item.
Attach the employee to each service/product
On the booking screen, choose your services and assign the correct employee.
Grooming services:
Special Services:
Inventory items (products):
Other Services:
When you check the pet in and out and create the invoice, the employee will be assigned to the line item. To verify this, click to edit the line and make sure the correct employee is assigned.
To print your commission report, click on Reports, Revenue, Commission report.
You can either print for all employees or a specific one.