Kennel Connection's AI Engine lets you create rules to apply to Grooming services that will add an additional fee to the appointment and invoice. These can be set by temperament, coat condition, mat level, breed, size and so on.
here to learn how to add Grooming Services.
To add Coat conditions, mat levels and grooming temperaments, click on Setup, Lists.
You assign these to the pet card, Grooming tab.
To setup the rules, click on Setup, Lists, Pricing Rules.
Step 1: Enter a rule name and description.
Click if you'd like to have this pricing rule show as a separate line the invoice.
Enter a description that will show on the invoice.
Activation date: Choose when this rule will be applied to appointments. You can choose specific dates or always. You can disable when it is no longer to be used.
Step 2: Enter the extra price to be applied for this rule. It can be a dollar amount or percentage amount.
Enter a duration to be added onto the time of the appointment.
In this example, if a pet has severe mats, we will add an extra $15 onto the invoice and add an extra 20 mins to the duration of the appointment.
Step 3: Module - Choose which module this rule will apply to - Grooming.
Next, choose the other parameter(s) for grooming appointments or pet specifics this rule is to apply to.
Choose the Grooming service.
Choose Breed(s).
Choose a Weight - More than, less than, or between weights.
Choose a Size Classification. This is set on the pet card, see below.
Choose a Coat Condition, Mat Level, or Grooming Temperament. This is set on the pet card.
Size classification is set on the pet card. Click the Edit button.
You will see Coat condition, Mat and Temperament on the appointment screen. They will populate from the settings on the pet card but can be edited here.
If you choose to show the rule as a separate line item on the invoice, it will look like this.
A line item for the groom service at its price.
A line item for the pricing rule, Severe mat, with its price.
If you choose to have the rule included in the groom price, the invoice will look like this.