Services tab on the pet card

Services tab on the pet card

The Services tab allows you to add default Feedings, Medications, and Exercises to the pet card.  The services will be added to every appointment created for that pet.  

Please note:  If the pet has an existing appointment and THEN you add services onto the pet's card, it will NOT update the existing appointment.

Click here to learn how to setup the Feedings/Medications/Exercises in your system.

Open the pet's card, click on the Services tab.

Under the tab for Feeding, choose the feed, if it's given Morning, Afternoon, Evening, the quantity, rotation and rate.

Do the same for Medications and Exercises.


When you make an appointment for that pet, the services are automatically added.


The Boarding module gives you the option to update the services on the pet card from the boarding appointment screen. Click here for details.

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