The Basics
Setting up your options for Boarding, Grooming, Daycare, Training and Special Services
This document will explain the features of the Boarding, Grooming, Daycare, and Training modules and how you setup your options. A required step is to backup your database regularly. Every day is recommended as it only takes a few seconds to do and ...
The Calendar gives you an overview of appointments for the month for all modules. You can add/modify/delete appointments here, check them in/out, Add Belongings and so on. It also color codes the appointments to give you more information. Click on ...
Backing up your Kennel Connection database
Backing up your Kennel Connection database We strongly recommend that you backup your database regularly. We have supplied a Backup/Restore utility within your software to aid you in the safekeeping of your data. For KC7, the file that contains your ...
Zip codes
You can have Kennel Connection prompt you to add a new zip code to the database by enabling that option. Click on File, System Options, Global tab. Check the box for 'Perform new Zip Code check'. When you add a new zip code on a client card, you will ...
Warning if no email address on file
You can enable a feature that will not let you save a client card until you have entered an email address. Click on File, System Options, Global tab. Check the box for 'Require an email address on client cards'. When saving the client card, you will ...
Warning if no credit card on file
You can enable a warning message if a client does not have a credit card on file. Click on File, System Options, Global tab. Check the box for 'Warn if no credit card is listed for bookings'. There will be a warning message on the appointment screen.
Waitlist appointments
You are able to keep a separate list of appointments on the Waitlist when you don't have availability on your active schedules. When making the appointment you can click on the Add to waitlist box before hitting OK to save the appointment. Click on ...
Vaccination warnings
You can enable popup warning messages if a pet is missing or has expired vaccines. In File, System Options. For every module except Petsitting, check the box to Show vaccine warnings. This must be done on every computer. Now you will get a popup ...
Vaccinations - Copy date
For those multipet families who are on the same vaccine schedule, you can copy the vaccines and dates from one pet's card to the others to save time. IMPORTANT: This action will delete all vaccines from the pet's card and replace them with the ...
Vacancies schedule
The Vacancies screen gives you an overview of what runs are occupied, how many pets are leaving, how many are staying overnight, and how many runs are vacant for the day. Click on Schedule, Vacancies. The top part of the screen (in red) tells you ...
Undelete a pet
To undelete a pet, open the client card, click on the Pets tab. Click on Undelete pet. Click the box for the pet you want to undelete.
Undelete a client
If you need to undelete a client, click on Utilities, Undelete Client. If you have security enabled, you will need the admin password for this feature. Scroll or search for the client and check the X box. Then click OK to undelete the client to add ...
Transferring pet to a different owner
You are able to transfer a pet to a different owner. Open the pet card, Notes tab. Click on 'Transfer pet to different owner'. It will take you through the steps of choosing a different owner. If you have security enabled, you will need an admin ...
List of spayed/neutered pets
If you need to see a list of pets that are spayed or neutered or not spayed or neutered, please do the following: Open the search screen by clicking the binoculars in the upper ribbon bar. In the bottom right choose either Yes/No for ...
Screen resolution
When you upgrade to Kennel Connection 7, you may notice the screens are too large and you have to drag them around to see the entire screen. Or you may notice that words are too big for the buttons. This is controlled by the screen resolution on ...
Schedules are no longer showing color coding
If you notice the schedules are no longer showing color coding, you can turn that back on. Click on File, System Options, Local tab. Check the box for 'Use schedule color codes'. If the schedule is opened, click Refresh or close/reopen. The colors ...
Runs in other modules
You are able to book pets into runs for Boarding, Daycare, Grooming and Training. Click on File, Lists, Runs. Click on the run on the left. Click the box(es) for the modules you want to use this run for. Hit Save after each one. For daycare ...
Prospective clients
There is a Prospect button on the right side of the client card. Once you check the box, to get a list of prospective clients, click on Reports, Lists, Prospect List.
Print or email expired vaccination list
You can print list of expired vaccinations to give to your client by opening the pet card, Vaccinations tab and hit print. You can email the vaccinations list from the appointment screen by clicking on the Vaccinations tab and hit Email Exp. This ...
Pickup and delivery notes
To include the pickup and delivery information entered on the appointment screen to the confirmation email, click on File, Business Info, Email tab. Under each module tab, click the box for "Include pickup/delivery info". On the appointment screen, ...
Pickup and delivery charges
Every module except Petsitting lets you schedule a pickup and delivery for pets. You can set an overall price in Inventory or set a default price for the pet. To schedule a pickup and delivery, check the boxes on the appointment screen. Boarding: ...
Petdetect - setting default collar size
You can set a pet's default PetDetect collar size on the pet card, Notes tab.
Pet pictures are rotated incorrectly when viewing them through Kennel Connection
Kennel Connection does not have any control over the layout of pictures, whether they are landscape or portrait. Androids and iPhones have known issues of pictures showing sideways even if they look correct in their thumbnail. If you are taking ...
Pet and client warning popup messages
You can turn on popup messages for pet/client warnings when opening a pet/client card, clicking to make an appointment or at checkin. Click on File, System Options, Global tab and turn on the options. You will get these messages depending on what ...
Other services
You are able to add as many Other Services as you would like and add them to appointments. You can track commissions and set their own Category so you can separate these services on the Sales report to get the total revenue per service. Click on ...
Open cash drawer without going through invoice or receipt
You can open the cash drawer without going through an invoice or receipt by clicking on Accounting, Open Drawer.
Number of clients/pets in the database
To see how many active clients, inactive clients and active pets you have in the database, double click on Ready at the bottom of the screen.
No show processor
The No Show Processor checks your database and any boarding pet that either had an appointment and was never checked in, or was checked in and never checked out, gets flagged and extended to today's date on the boarding schedule. It will extend their ...
Multipet booking feature
The multipet booking feature lets you make appointments for more than one pet of the same family at the same time, saving you time during the booking process. Click on File, System Options, Global tab. Check the box for 'Enable multiple pet ...
Minimizing the toolbar
You can minimize the toolbar by clicking the up arrows at the far right of the screen. When you click on one of the menu items such as File, Schedule, Accounting, etc, the toolbar will show again so you can choose your options and then minimize again ...
You can make a client a member and run a report when the membership is expired. Open the client card, Contract tab. Check the box for Member and put an expiration date. You can turn on a warning message to alert staff if the client's membership is ...
Mailing label size
Kennel Connection uses Avery 5160 address mailing labels, 30 per page, or a comparable product.
Labels from feeding schedule
You are able to print labels from the feeding schedule to attach to the pets' bowls. Click on Reports, Module, Feeding schedule. Click the box for "Print labels for feedings". The labels will list the pet's first and last name, run number if ...
Issue Reminders
You are able to send either manual or automatic appointment reminders for all modules except Petsitting. In order for the pet to receive a reminder, his pet card must have Issue Reminders set to Yes. Open the pet card and set his reminders for each ...
Include No Show warnings on pet and client card
The Appt Notes tab on the pet card has a section that will track No Show appointments. Since appointments are recorded here, you can opt to turn off the No Show warning messages that are added to the pet and client card when running the No Show ...
Inactive clients and pets
You can set a client or pet as inactive by checking that box on the right side of their client or pet card. Client card: Pet card: If you make one pet of the family inactive, you can open the client card, Pets tab to see it listed there. It will be ...
In date and In time set as blank on appointments
You can set the In Date and In time as blank on appointments so that your employees are required to enter that information. This is an option for Boarding, Grooming, Daycare and Special Services. Click on File, System Options. Click the boxes for ...
Hiding columns on the schedule
You can hide columns for the Daycare, Boarding and Grooming schedules. Click on File, System Options. Under each module tab, you can uncheck the box(es) for any column you don't want to display on the schedule. Boarding: Daycare: Grooming:
Google map keys
In File, Business Info, Email tab, there is an option called Google map keys. This can be used to create a google map for a specific location. You will need to use Google Maps API for this.
Feedings, Medications, Exercises - Get last
You can get the last feeding, medication and exercise from the last appointment in all modules. Click on the Get Last button. If the last appointment had a service, it will populate on the screen. If the last appointment did not have a service but ...
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