Training packages
You can create training packages for each type of Training package: Resident training, Train Classes, One-on-One training. Creating packages Click on File, Packages, Training packages. Click on New Trn Package. The package service tells you what kind ...
Other Packages
Other Packages lets you setup packages for any product or service in Kennel Connection and they will count them down as the pet is invoiced for their stay. Click on File, Packages, Other Pkgs. Click the Add button and click '...' This will let you ...
Grooming packages
You can create Grooming packages and Kennel Connection will count them down. You can create a package for Groom, Nails, Bath, Other Groom. For this article, we will create a Nail Trim package. Click on File, Packages, Grooming pkgs tab. Click on ...
Default daycare package options set by Daycare room/type
You can set default settings for daycare package usage for Daycare Rooms/Types. Let's say your facility does not charge for daycare if the pet is also boarding. You don't want to have to remember to adjust the package settings on each appointment. ...
Package revenue
If you sell multiple types of packages, such as different boarding, daycare, grooming or other packages, and need to know which clients/pets bought a specific one, set up its own category so you can run the sales report. Click on File, Inventory, ...
Daycare packages are not decrementing
If daycare packages are not counting down, verify that your settings are correct in File, System Options, Daycare tab. 1 - If you use both half and full days, it must be set to 'Decrement daycare package on CHECK OUT. If you ONLY use full day ...
Daycare package reports
There are several reports available to help you track package counts, when they were used and expiration dates. If you print these reports with the Daycare schedule opened, it will only print for pets on the schedule. If you print these reports with ...
Daycare package count included in confirmation email
You have the option to include the daycare package count to confirmation emails. Click here for information on setting up confirmation emails. Click on File, Business Info, Email tab, Daycare tab. Check the box to "Include package count". In this ...
Daycare options - Use package day for this visit and Do not charge for this visit
There are two options on the daycare appointment screen for "Use package day for this visit" and "Do not charge for this visit". This gives you the freedom to use package days for some pets and not charge other pets for daycare stays. Let's say ...
Boarding pet package expiration
Reports, Boarding, Boarding pet package expiration report will give you a list of pets who have boarding packages that expire during the specified date range.
Boarding Packages Days Left
Reports, Boarding, Boarding package days left will tell you what pets and clients have package days left. If you leave the Boarding schedule open it will print for only pets/clients on the schedule for that day. If you close the Boarding schedule it ...
Boarding package count included on confirmation email
You have the option to include the boarding package count on the confirmation email. Click here for information on setting up confirmation emails. Click on File, Business Info, Email tab, Boarding tab. Check the box for 'Include package count'. In ...
Boarding client package client expiration report
Reports, Boarding, Boarding client package expiration report gives a list of clients with boarding packages that will expire during the date range chosen.
Daycare packages
You can sell daycare packages to both the clients and his pets. Depending on your settings, KC will deduct a day at check in or check out. Step 1: Set your parameters. Click on File, System Options, Daycare tab. If you only going to use Full day ...
Boarding packages
You can create a boarding package and KC will count it down. Creating packages Click on File, Packages, Boarding Pkgs. Click on New Brd Package. Enter the code, name (this will show on the invoice), price and how many days/nights are in the package. ...
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Live Access - Run Cards vs Kennel Cards
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