Using categories to break down revenue
You are able to setup as many categories as you'd like and assign them to Inventory, Other Services and Special Services. This will let you print the Sales report and see how much revenue in each category that you brought in. Please note: Lite users ...
Zeroing out credit and balances
There may be cases where your clients have credits or balances on their accounts. This can be because they make deposits for future bookings, paid extra on an invoice and asked to keep the change on their account as a credit, decided to pay you next ...
Using multiple forms of payment on one invoice
You are able to pay an invoice with multiple forms of payment. In the below example we'll use part card and part cash. Keep in mind that you can use this same process for multiple cards as well! Here we have an invoice for $160. We'll pay $100 with ...
Kennel Connection only lets you add one tip per receipt. If you need to add a tip for multiple employees, you'll need to enter it on the invoice as a line item. Tips on the invoice First, click on File, Inventory, Categories. You can either add one ...
Timesheet calculations
When employees punch in and out in Kennel Connection, it records their punches and calculates the number of hours/minutes they work. You can run a report that gives you the total time under Reports, Revenue, Time Sheet. You can opt to run the time ...
You are able to print a Statement for your clients. It will list a beginning and ending balance, along with invoices and receipts created during the date range. Open the client card, Financial tab, Stmt button. Or you can click on Reports, Revenue, ...
Special rates: Holidays, peak season and daily rates
You are able to add Special Rates for each module. This is an additional rate that you charge pets for Sunday stays, for example, or for Peak Season appointments. Click on File, Lists, Special Rates. Enter your rates for each module. You can add a ...
Sales tax report is omitting invoices
If you notice the Sales Tax report under Reports, Revenue is not including all invoices even though the T1/T2 box is checked, be sure the line amount is not $0. If it's $0, then it will not be included on the report because no tax was collected.
Sales tax report
Reports, Revenue, Sales tax gives the total of sales tax taken in for the date range. This report looks at the invoice and doesn't consider whether it has been paid, partially paid or not paid.
Sales report
The Sales report only looks at invoices created for the date range and will give you a total. You can print by category, by employee, by vendor and by client. Click on Reports, Revenue, Sales report. Detail will give all the details about the ...
Sales summary report
Reports, Revenue, Sales report gives the option to print the Daily sales report, or Sales Summary. This report only looks at invoices and totals them up based on the date range you choose. If you leave the Daily report drop down blank, or choose ...
Sales report by Vendor
You are able to run the sales report by vendor. Click on Reports, Revenue, Sales report. You can either choose All Vendors or click the Select button and choose 1 or more vendors. Please note: You are able to assign up to three vendors to an ...
Require employee name on invoices
You can enable a feature that requires an employee name be chosen on an invoice before it can be saved. Please note: Lite users do not have access to employees. Contact Sales if you would like to upgrade to the Standard version. ...
Receipts report by payment type
Reports, Revenue, Receipts report by payment type gives you totals of receipts by payment type, with a total for each month and a grand total.
Sales report VS receipts report VS sales tax report
A common question we hear is why don't the Sales report, Receipts report and Sales Tax report totals match. The answer is they are not designed to. Each report looks at a separate piece of data. The Sales report only looks at invoices created. ...
Receipts report
Reports, Revenue, Receipts report gives a total of receipts created during the date range. This is the report to print if you want to know how much income you brought in. Some users try to match the Receipts report, which only looks at receipts, to ...
Project income year over year report
Boarding, Daycare and Grooming have a report that will compare the income of the date range with the same dates in the previous year. It will also gives a percentage increase or decrease. This report is based on the price listed on the appointment. ...
Projected income report shows $0
In Reports, Revenue, you are able to print a projected income report for Boarding, Daycare, Grooming, Petsitting and Training. This report only looks at appointments and uses the rates on the appointment to calculate the numbers. If the report ...
Projected income report
All modules except Special Services has a Projected income report. This report looks at the rate on the appointments during the date range and gives a total. It only looks at the system code. So for example if you have a board appointment with feeds ...
Opt out from emailing invoices/receipts
You can opt your clients out of receiving emailed invoices and receipts by checking those boxes on the client card, Financial tab, Invoices/Receipts tab. If you process credit cards through Kennel Connection, use this feature to opt out specific ...
Open invoices report
Open invoices are invoices that still have a balance due. You are able to run a report that will show all open invoices for a specified date range by date, by customer or by aging. Click on Reports, Revenue, Open Invoices. By Date lists the open ...
One invoice customer list
Reports, Revenue, One invoice customer list gives a list of customers who only have invoice for the date range.
Mileage report
Reports, Revenue, Mileage report gives a total number of miles for pickups and deliveries added to appointments for all modules. Mileage is added on the client card under the General Information tab, Travel tab.
Listing report
The Listing report will show all invoices and receipts for the client during a specified date range, with a total for each. Open the client card, Financial tab. Click the Listing button and choose your date range.
Late fee processing notice
When starting Kennel Connection, you are getting a message about the Late Fee Processor. if you do not want to use the late fee processor, you can disable the prompt. Click on File, System Options, Invoice tab. Select No for Auto Charge.
Issuing refunds/returns
Here are the steps to issue a refund. Click on Accounting, Invoices. Click on the invoice once to highlight it, then hit Returns. This will open a return invoice listing everything the client got with quantities of zero. Enter the amount to be ...
Invoices exported to PDF are blank
Click on File, System Options, Invoice tab. If you have "Use logo on reports" checked, make sure you have selected a logo. If you click the box but don't choose a logo, it will cause the invoice to export with only the header. If you don't have a ...
Invoices and receipts show the incorrect number of decimal places
First, click on File, Business info and make sure you have the correct number of decimal places there. This can also be caused by the incorrect regional settings on the computer. If you are on Windows 7 or lower, click on Start, Control Panel, ...
Invoice message
You can add an invoice message to an inventory item that will popup on the screen when that item is added to an invoice. You can use this message to remind your staff about sales, for example. Click on File, Inventory. Click on the inventory item ...
Invoice footer
You can setup an invoice footer to print on the invoice each time. You can add a website link to do a review or just thank your clients. Click on File, System Options, Invoice tab. Check the box for "Automatically include on each new invoice". This ...
Invoice discounts report
Reports, Revenue, Invoice discounts report gives the total of Complete bill discounts given over the date range. Complete bill discounts are setup in File, Discounts/Loyalty setup. On the invoice, you choose the discount from the drop down menu.
Inventory item is added to every invoice
If you notice the same inventory item is added to every invoice created, check to see if that item is set as recurring in Inventory. Click on File, Inventory. Click on the item and uncheck the Recurring box. A Recurring item is added to every invoice ...
Gift cards and Gift certificates
You can issue and redeem gift cards and gift certificates, which can be used like cash to pay for an open invoice. You can create both without taking payment so it's a good option if you want to put a credit on a client's account, or if you're ...
Gift card payments
To know when a gift card was used, print the sales report for that client. First, click on File, Inventory and make sure the inventory item for GCPMT is attached to the correct category of GIFTCARDS. Next, click on Reports, Revenue, Sales report. ...
Estimates and invoices are calculating the wrong number of Other Services
You set how many times an Other Service is to be invoiced when you set it up up in File, Lists, Other Services. If a service is to be given only once during their stay, it must be setup as 'Perform duty 1 time every 0 days'. In our example, a Flea ...
Error Cannot exceed sales cap when voiding a credit card transaction
This error means this transaction has already been voided. If you have further questions, contact or 1-888-486-4343 option 3.
Error Cannot exceed sales cap when processing a refund
This error means you are trying to return an amount greater than was originally charged. You will need to adjust the amount you are trying to return to be less than or equal to the original amount charged. If a client paid twice, i.e. paid an ...
You can put a discount on a client's record to be applied to every invoice for that client. You can put an overall discount which will be applied to every item on the invoice, or you can choose to add discounts for specific services/items. Open the ...
Loyalty program
The Loyalty program allows you to award clients with points for each dollar they spend with you. Once they reach a certain number based on the number you enter into setup, they can redeem the points when checking out to pay for services and goods. ...
Discount/Loyalty setup
The Discount/Loyalty screen allows you to add discounts for new clients, complete bill discounts, or module specific discounts. You can also setup a loyalty program. Click here for instructions. Please note: Ultralite/Lite users do not have access to ...
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