Daycare module
Signature sheet
Reports, Daycare, Signature sheet lists all the pets on the schedule with a line for their owner to sign on drop off. Some users also print this report for the owner to sign at pickup.
Scanning keytags to check pets in/out of daycare
You are able to assign a keytag to a pet and then set Kennel Connection to create the daycare appointment and check the pet in/out when you scan the keytag. To obtain a barcode scanner, click here. You must first tell KC there is a scanner attached ...
Recurring daycare appointments
You can create recurring daycare appointments at one time instead of having to enter them one at a time. KC only lets you create one recurring set of appointments. If you try to add another set, it will delete the current set (future appointments) ...
Past daycares
Reports, Daycare, Past daycares gives you a list of pets with daycare appointments. You can print this report for all pets or choose one client. You can print it by last name or by in date. The report will list the pets for each day, the daycare ...
Different departure services for multipet daycare appointments
You can assign the pets different departure services when making a multipet daycare appointment by choosing a departure service(s) for pet 1, switching to pet 2 and choosing their departure service(s), and so on.
Daycare type revenue
Reports, Revenue, Daycare type revenue prints the number of appointments for the day, separated by Daycare type/room, along with the total rates of the appointments.
Daycare multipet rates
You can set multipet rates for daycare bookings under File, Lists, Daycare Rooms or Types. You can set it up for both Full days and Half days. The first pet rate is the Full Day Rate and Half Day Rate. Enter prices for the 2nd - 5th pet. Hit Save ...
Daycare log
The daycare log will list a notation if a pet is scheduled for Pickup or Delivery (P or D), the in and out times, pet/owner information, breed, the Daycare Room/Type, Rate, if the pet has a departure service scheduled, Appointment notes, Daycare ...
Daycare card
You can print a daycare card that will list the pet and client information, display a photo and include feedings/medications/exercises, if you have those options enabled. Click on File, System Options, Daycare tab and check the options you'd like to ...
Attendance count
Reports, Daycare, Attendance count gives the count of pets on the schedule for each day. The pet has to be checked in to show on this report.
Approved for daycare
You can now enable a warning message if a pet is not approved for daycare. Click on File, System Options, Daycare tab. Check the box for "Show warning if pet is not approved for daycare when making a reservation". The pet card has an Approved ...
Runs on the daycare schedule
If you put your daycare pets into runs you are able to view that column on the Daycare schedule. Click on File, System Options, Daycare tab. In the section for 'Show on schedule', check the Runs box and hit Apply. Next you must tell KC what runs you ...
Daycare warnings
You can add pet warnings that will only apply to the daycare module. Open the pet card, Daycare tab. Add the warning. The warning message will show on the appointment screen. If it is a multipet booking, click on the Multipets tab and click on each ...
Recent Articles
Cloud - Run Cards vs Kennel Cards
You have two different types of cards to run for boarding pets. The Kennel Card gives the options for three different sizes (8.5x11, 4x6 and 3x5). Depending on the size you choose, it will display warnings, notes, vaccine dates, feedings, meds, ...
Live Access - Run Cards vs Kennel Cards
You have two different types of cards to run for boarding pets. The Kennel Card gives the options for three different sizes (8.5x11, 4x6 and 3x5). Depending on the size you choose, it will display warnings, notes, vaccine dates, feedings, meds, ...
Processing a Transaction in Kennel Connection with Cardpointe Integrated System:
Processing a Transaction in Kennel Connection with Cardpointe Integrated System: If you've never used integrated Credit Card processing before in Kennel Connection, you'll be used to seeing the options to choose a type of Credit Card but not actually ...
Voiding a transaction in Kennel Connection when processing with Cardpointe Integrated System:
Voiding a transaction in Kennel Connection when processing with Cardpointe Integrated System: Go to the Accounting tab and select Credit Card Management button. It will have you sign in depending on your settings. Click View. Please note: only users ...
Email Setup - Office 365
Here are the settings for Office 365 accounts. **IMPORTANT: You must enable the SMTP option in your Office 365 account. This can be accessed multiple ways. 1. By going to and logging in with your email you want to use. ...