KC Hardware
What is Additional Fee & how does it work?
Kennel Connection Additional Fee Program Features: Implement an additional fee on your invoice total that allows you to offset other business expenses. How does it work? Let’s say you have a client invoice for $100. When selecting to use a card for ...
Hotfix Installation Guide
Hotfix Installation Guide If a Technical Support Representative has provided you a download link for the latest hotfix files, download them onto each computer that runs Kennel Connection. Step 1. Close Kennel Connection on all computers, then go to ...
Live Access - Email Error Messages Missing A Valid Message ID Header Are Not Accepted When Generating Customer Links for Online Reservations
Live Access - Email Error Messages Missing A Valid Message ID Header Are Not Accepted When Generating Customer Links for Online Reservations When generating links for your clients to sign up for Online Reservations, you may receive an email ...
USB cash drawer stops working
By default, Windows 10 enables the power saving feature for all USB ports known as “Selective Suspend” This feature is an attempt to save power by shutting down USB ports that are only used intermittently. Sometimes though, the USB port does not get ...
Topaz signature pad setup
The only two supported signature pad models are the Topaz T-LBK462-HSB-R and T-LBK460-HSB-R In order for us to provide any support on the signature pad it must be purchased from us. You can purchase here: https://kennelconnection.com/hardware/ Once ...
Signature pad - No blank document area available error
If you use the signature pad to save signed contracts and upon saving a signature receive this error: It means that there are no more rows available on the specific client cards record to save the file. For the client in question, open their client ...
Zebra DS2208 Barcode Scanner Setup
This 2D scanner is designed for all types of retail environments and scans very aggressively at all angles, in all light conditions, and on most forms of media including cell phone screens. This scanner was built with future proofing in mind where it ...
Timecard swiper installation guide (Discontinued)
Plug the timecard swiper into the computer or, if you are moving it to a new computer, unplug the timecard swiper from the computer its currently plugged into Move to the new computer When you originally setup the timecard swiper, you should have ...
Star TSP100 receipt printer installation guide
Do not plug your receipt printer into the computer until after the drivers are installed. 1. If your receipt printer came with an installation disk, insert that now. If it did not, or you cannot locate the disk, please go to ...
Signature pad installation
Connect the signature pad to your computer. Contact Support@SoftwareConnectionLLC.com to get the drivers for the signature pad. Once the drivers have been installed, in Kennel Connection, click on File, System Options, Local tab. Check the box for ...
Signature pad for Contracts
Your clients are able to sign the signature pad for contracts. KC will then save a copy in the KCDocs folder in the KC7 folder on your main computer (where the database is). To bring up the signature prompt, when printing contracts, choose the ...
Pet Detect printer is printing blank collars
Each strip of PetDetect tape is six inches from black mark to black mark. This mark is detected at the endpoint. The PetDetect printer uses this mark to trigger where to start printing the next section. When Kennel Connection is requesting a collar, ...
Pet Detect installation & usage guide
Please note that unless you are on the monthly Pro or Platinum plan, Pet Detect module is not included with the KC software and must be purchased as an add-on. Please email Sales@SoftwareConnectionLLC.com if you wish to add on the Pet Detect module. ...
Configuring your Star TSP Receipt Printer to open the Cash Drawer
After installing your Star TSP receipt printer, if you have the option to open the cash drawer upon printing of a receipt, you may notice this function does not work. This is because the device requires a few extra settings to be enabled for this ...
Cash drawer installation guide
NOTE: Serial cash drawers are antiquated technology and are not supported. If you're using a serial cash drawer and have any issues with it, you'll need to upgrade to a USB drawer. USB Cash Drawer Type The USB Cash Drawer is a plug and play device. ...
Barcode scanner is not working for check-ins
Remedy 1: Be sure Kennel Connection is set to accept checkins with the scanner. Click on File, System Options, Local tab. Check each box to set your preferences. Be sure to hit Apply when done. Remedy 2: The scanner must be configured properly. ...
Barcode Scanner Installation Guide KC7
Barcode Scanner Installation Guide KC7 You can use the barcode scanner for two purposes: You can scan retail items onto an invoice instead of searching for the code and you can automatically create appointments and check the pet in/out for the ...
Adjusting your Pet Detect Drivers for Windows 10 and Above Upgrades
If you have recently upgraded to Windows 10 or above and use the PetDetect printer, the upgrade may have reset its printers drivers and your collars may be coming out improperly formatted. If you are experiencing this issue, please complete the steps ...
(DISCONTINUED)Honeywell Voyager 1202g WIRELESS Barcode Scanner Configuration Instructions
Honeywell Voyager 1202g WIRELESS Barcode Scanner Configuration Instructions Here are the instructions for programming your wireless barcode scanner. Print out this barcode sheet before proceeding: Attached. Please note: You MUST print the barcode ...
(DISCONTINUED) Honeywell Voyager MS9520 Wired Barcode Scanner Configuration
Honeywell Voyager MS-9520 USB Barcode Scanner Configuration Guide (Discontinued Model) For USB port connections: Plug the end of the barcode scanner cable into an available USB port on your computer. The barcode scanner should beep to let you ...
(DISCONTINUED) Honeywell Voyager 1200g Programming Guide
Honeywell Voyager 1200g Programming Guide Important: You may need to print this guide on a laser printer to scan correctly. Unlike previous models, the new Voyager 1200g comes with most of the required settings already set for Kennel Connection ...
Recent Articles
Cloud - Run Cards vs Kennel Cards
You have two different types of cards to run for boarding pets. The Kennel Card gives the options for three different sizes (8.5x11, 4x6 and 3x5). Depending on the size you choose, it will display warnings, notes, vaccine dates, feedings, meds, ...
Live Access - Run Cards vs Kennel Cards
You have two different types of cards to run for boarding pets. The Kennel Card gives the options for three different sizes (8.5x11, 4x6 and 3x5). Depending on the size you choose, it will display warnings, notes, vaccine dates, feedings, meds, ...
Processing a Transaction in Kennel Connection with Cardpointe Integrated System:
Processing a Transaction in Kennel Connection with Cardpointe Integrated System: If you've never used integrated Credit Card processing before in Kennel Connection, you'll be used to seeing the options to choose a type of Credit Card but not actually ...
Voiding a transaction in Kennel Connection when processing with Cardpointe Integrated System:
Voiding a transaction in Kennel Connection when processing with Cardpointe Integrated System: Go to the Accounting tab and select Credit Card Management button. It will have you sign in depending on your settings. Click View. Please note: only users ...
Email Setup - Office 365
Here are the settings for Office 365 accounts. **IMPORTANT: You must enable the SMTP option in your Office 365 account. This can be accessed multiple ways. 1. By going to https://outlook.office.com and logging in with your email you want to use. ...