If you would like to send a "Welcome" email to your clients as they signup and are approved for the Client Portal, you'll need to enable this option.
In Live Access navigate to Online Reservations, OLR Settings, General tab and click the Email Settings tab.
Scroll to the bottom area and you'll see the "Client email notification options for Client Portal."
Place a check mark next to the "Send the following welcome email to clients on approval"
Then below you'll see the default message. You may edit this message or keep it the same. Please note the following:
The following bracketed words insert that specified content:
[[ClientName]] will insert the customers name automatically.
[[BusinessName]] will insert your business name automatically.
[[LoginButton]] will insert a login button with your URL so clients can go login.
This message allows for you to insert a hyperlink (link to external website.) To do this simply use the following format:
[Name of website or text goes here:link to website goes here]
Example: [visit us on Facebook:https://facebook.com/kennelconnection]
You can see that the Facebook link is hyperlinked in the welcome message:
Don't forget to save your changes before exiting.