When a client paying an invoice has a credit card on file that they would like to use, the process is simple. Just as in part 3, open the invoice and choose how you'll proceed. Quick CC or Pay. Once you're on the Credit card screen, instead of clicking Process Now, click Retrieve Stored Credit Card.
If you have TIPS enabled, you'll be prompted to enter tip on screen now:
NOTE: If you want to enable tips, please go to system options, invoices and place a check mark next to "enable tips."
If the client has multiple cards on file, you'll be prompted to choose:
Choose the card they would like to use and click OK.
It will now process the transaction. If approved you can choose to either print or cancel printing the receipt if that option is enabled and then you'll see the approved in the status window. (No tip was added this time so it does not show tip in the approved field like in part 3.)
The transaction is complete. You can close all windows.