Transfer pet to different owner

Transfer pet to another owner

You can transfer a pet to another owner through Live Access.

Please note:  This is an admin function so if you require logins for KC you will need to enter an admin ID/password to use this feature.

In this example we will move Cammie Aaron to Lisa Ferguson.

Open the pet card for Cammie and click the Edit button.  Scroll to the bottom and click Transfer to another owner.

Enter your password if required.

Choose the client you want to move this pet to and click Proceed.

You will get a popup verifying you'd like to move this Cammie to Lisa Ferguson.  Hit Yes to continue.

The screen will refresh and on Cammie's pet card, you'll see that her owner is listed as Lisa now.

On the client explorer, you'll see the Cammie is now listed under Lisa's name.

This will also update in desktop KC.  You may have to refresh the client explorer by clicking the Inactives box and then unchecking it.

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