Timesheet calculations

Timesheet calculations

When employees punch in and out in Kennel Connection, it records their punches and calculates the number of hours/minutes they work.  You can run a report that gives you the total time under Reports, Revenue, Time Sheet.

You can opt to run the time sheet in hundredths (decimals instead of minutes) or in tenths (minutes).  To set your option, go to File, System Options, Global tab.

The option is "Show time sheet hours in hundredths".

Timesheet calculations

Option set to NOT show time sheet in hundredths.

Below is an example.  The employee worked 6 hours, 25 mins; 6 hours, 14 minutes; 2 hours, 45 mins, and so on.  KC calculates the total time worked as 41 hours, 6 minutes.

Timesheet calculations

In order to get the total time, you must first add up the hours.

6+6+2+3+6+4+4+6 = 37

Then you add up the minutes.

25+14+45+51+44+1+46+20 = 246 minutes.

To find out how many hours that is divide 246 by 60 = 4.1.

Add 4 hours to 37 = 41 hours.

The remainder of .1 is not minutes.  It is a percentage of minutes.

To find out how many minutes .1 is, multiply .1 by 60 = 6 minutes.

The total is 41 hours, 6 minutes.

Option set to show time sheet in hundredths

Below is the same time sheet as above, but calculated in hundredths (showing as a decimal instead of minutes).  Add up the times and KC calculates it to 41.10.

Timesheet calculations

For example, 7:53am to 2:18pm is 6 hours, 25 mins.  To calculate the minutes in hundredths, divide 25 by 0.6 to get 41.666.  KC will round, so it shows as 6.42.

7:58am to 11:59am is 4 hours, 1 min.  To calculate the minutes in hundredths, divide 1 by 0.6 to get 1.666.  KC will round, so it shows as 4.02.

To calculate 41.10 into minutes, multiply 10 by 0.6 = 6 mins for a total of 41 hours, 6 mins as shown in the top time sheet.

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