SMS Opt-in

SMS Opt-In

Due to the new federal regulation called 10DLC, all business numbers that send out SMS messages are now required to register their SMS numbers. These regulations provide your clients the option to opt-in or out of receiving these messages. Below you’ll find steps on sending out the opt-in/out options to your clients in two different ways.

 *Please note this will be required and there is no way around it.  

Part 1: Manual Messaging: If you are communicating with your clients using the two-way messaging, you’ll be prompted with the below when sending a message for the first time after this new policy is enabled.  

As you normally would, search for a specific client in Live Access in the upper left corner, by typing in either their first or last name, or their pet's name. 



Once you’ve selected your client, you will see an SMS button in the upper right corner.




Click the SMS button and it will bring up a message letting you know about the new regulations. You can either click the green button to send the Opt-in request only (Be sure this is the correct number to send a text message to) OR type your message out and click send and the system will automatically prompt you about the opt-in message which will be sent prior to your message. 



This will send an opt-in request to your client, giving them the choice to either accept messages from your number, or opt-out. If the client opts out, they will not receive any messages from your business number and will need another request sent to them so they can opt-in.

If you try to send a message to a client that has not opted in, you will see a notice in blue stating that the message will not be sent until the customer opts in on receiving messages from you. You can then click the green button to send them the opt-in request. Once the customer opts in, your message will be automatically sent afterward. You will not need to send it to them again. 




If a client opts out of receiving messages from you, you will not be able to send any automated or manual messages. 


Any client that opts out of receiving messages will have a red tag on the client card.



When a customer opts-in for receiving SMS, you will see a green tag on the customer record and can rest assured that your SMS messages are being delivered. 





Please Note: If a customer sends a text to your business SMS number before they've opted in or out, they will not be notified. Please be sure to tell your customers about the new SMS system and if they'd like to use the feature, send that customer the opt-in message by clicking the SMS button on the customer card in Live Access.




Part 2: Automated Messaging: Any automated messages you send out, such as confirmations, reminders, thank you texts and more will be put on hold and send out the opt-in request message first. 

If a customer opts in, they will continue to receive automated SMS messages. If they opt out, the same flag will be put on their customer card as shown above and they will not receive any messages until they opt in. 

Part 3:  If your client does not respond:  The opt-in message will only be sent for the first automatic message.  For example, if the client has 2 upcoming appointments, it will send the opt-in message on the 1st appointment's confirmation text.  It will not send again on the 2nd appointment.  If you client does not respond to the original opt-in message, you will need to click to resend it if they want to opt-in.




Please Note: Your clients can opt out of receiving messages at any time by texting words such as unsubscribe, stop, opt-out. They can also get more help by texting HELP at any time and the program will respond with a help message that includes the business’s email and phone number. 




If you have any questions or concerns, please contact or by calling 888-486-4343, option #2.  

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