Sending Out Email Marketing

Sending Out Email Marketing

1. Click on Email Marketing

2. Either Edit an existing Email or click the Create button to start a new Email.

3. Name the email. This is what you will see in your list of past Emails so you can reference it. Example "June Newsletter 2017."

4. Subject is what the customer will see as the subject line of the email in their inbox. Example: "The Meadows Kennel Hopes You Have a Great Summer!"

5. In the HTML Tab you Add the content of your email. You can use any of the "Fields Available" to pull details. 

See below for example:

6. You will then copy and Paste everything that you wrote in the HTML field into the Plain Text area. That way if a customer has an email that does not show images or HTML they can still get the content.

7. Then click on Recipients. And make sure ALL is selected. Specific can be used but you will need to filter out who you DO NOT want to send the email to. Group can be used but you will need to go to Admin>Client Preferences and create Marketing Groups. Then you will assign customers to specific groups you will want to target with emails. For a Newsletter such as this you will want to have it sent to everyone. Then Click Save.

8. You will then see your email in the list of Email Marketing emails. You then Click Send to schedule the date you want the email sent on. 

9. Choose a date and time. These emails have to be scheduled one day in advance. Then press Send to set the time and date for the email to be sent.

Special Note for converting PDF files to HTML: If you are attempting to attach the contents of a PDF to your email, you'll need to convert the PDF to HTML using a free converter like this one: 

This is not a PawLoyalty tool, so it is not covered by our support.

You can then paste the HTML code it converts for you into the body of the email on the HTML tab. Be sure to hit the HTML button (<>) after pasting and then copy/paste everything from the HTML tab to the Text tab. 

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