PawLoyalty - Security Levels for Employees

PawLoyalty - Security Levels for Employees

Store Owner-

Everything Manager has but less access than Admin login.

-        Under Admin has access to

-        Referred By, Multi-Day Training Classes, Color/Markings, Veterinarians, Report Card, Past Revenue Stack, Health, Alert Emails

Read Only-

-Has access to customer records with no ability to edit them.

-Does have access to edit prices at booking, check-in, & check out and apply discounts.

-Has access to Email Marketing

-No access to Administration Area or Incentives

           Reports Access: Feeding, Medication, Check Out Report, Check In Report, Vaccination Report


-Has access to all customer records, can edit all appointments.

-Cannot edit any employees information.

-No access to Administration area or Incentives

-Can send out Email Marketing

-Some Admin Access

           Reports Access: Access to all reports except Employee Pay, Tip Pay, Employee Activity.

Restricted Employee-

-Under Customer Management has access to everything. Can cancel appointments, edit package balances.

-Does have the ability to edit prices at checkout and apply discounts, take payments.

-No access to Administration area or Incentives

-Can send out Email Marketing

-Reports Access:

·   Limited Financial Reports: Appointments Booked Report, Active Packages by Customer, Credit Package Usage, Current Inventory-Products, Product Sales, Invoice Reconciliation.

·   Operational Reports: Feeding, Medication, Grooming, Training - All

·   Performance Reports: Clients Added By Report, Daycare Evaluation Report, Training Consultation Report

·   No Employee Reports

·   Customer Reports: Customers Without Recent Appointments

·   Other Reports: Bath, Appointments by Sitter or Groomer, Walking Group, End of Day, Start of Day, In-House Report, Lead Task Report, End of Day Report, Start of Day Report, Feeding Consumption, Medication Consumption, Activity Delivered

·   Beta: Training Report

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