Tenerum processing only.
Running a transaction in Kennel Connection.
If you've never used integrated CC processing before in Kennel Connection, you'll be used to seeing the options to choose a type of Credit Card but not actually process one.
When you open an invoice, you'll have two options.
Quick CC/Pay.
Quick CC: This option will skip over you having to choose the the invoices they're paying and take you directly to the process transaction page. Note that it will apply ONLY the invoice in question and will NOT apply any pre-payments. If you want to pay more than one open invoice and/or apply pre-payments, you must click the PAY button.
Pay: This option will take you to the "Receipt Information" screen where you can manually choose the invoices you want to pay and/or apply any existing pre-payments before processing the transaction. Choose what you need, select payment method and then you'll be directed to processing screen if payment method is a CC type.
On the Credit Card screen, you'll have to options. Process now OR Retrieve Stored Credit Card.
If using stored credit card, see below.
Click Process Now to activate your CC device so your customer can insert, swipe or tap.
Note that if you have TIPS enabled, the customer will be prompted on the device to ADD TIP. It cannot be done in KC. (There is no option to TIP ADJUST after the transaction).)
Customer will choose yes or no to add tip, if yes, they will be prompted to enter amount and proceed. Upon completion of transaction customer will be prompted to remove card and you will see a "print receipt" window (if enabled.) Receipts are not required so you can choose your preference. Cancel to skip printing, or printer if you have a receipt printer setup.
If successful, you'll see a message in Kennel Connection.
You can now click OK to close all the screens as the process is complete.
Stored Credit Card Procedure:
If you have stored credit cards on file for the customer, simply click the "Retrieve stored credit card" button. If you have tips enabled, this will open an add tip window. Please add tip amount if there is one.
Enter your tip amount and click "Add tip" or click "No tip" if no tip is being added. If this client has only one CC stored on file, it will auto-select that card and process. If there are multiple on file, you will be prompted to choose the card and then it will process.
If you see a "Terminal Timeout" message in the status window, it means the customer waited too long to start the transaction on the device. Click "Resubmit" to enable the device again for the customer.
Receipts are not required and most these days decline a receipt anyway. If you for your own policy require receipts, you'll need a receipt printer. You can purchase one here: Purchase Receipt Printer. If a customer would like a receipt and you do not have a receipt printer, you have two options.
1. On the receipt window, click "Email". If the client has an email address on file in his/her client card, it will email them a copy of the receipt.
2. Instead of printing a receipt, open the paid invoice and click print. This will print a nice 8 1/2 x 11 copy of the invoice showing paid and including the invoice line items. Note that you can add your logo to this invoice from File, System option, Invoice tab.
Manual entry is allowed. To enter a card # manually simply click the "Process now" button and when the device lights up, start typing the CC number using the green button to advance.