All modules have the option to confirm an appointment and assign a confirmation number.
Click on File, System Options, Global tab. Check the box for "Use confirmation numbers when confirming".
There are two ways to confirm an appointment.
Open the appointment and click the Confirm box. KC will generate a confirmation number if you have that enabled.
Right click on the appointment and click Confirm.
It will ask if you want to confirm the appointment.
It will then tell you the confirmation number.
The number will display if you right click on the appointment again.
There is a Conf column on the schedule for all modules except Training. That box will be checked if the appointment has been confirmed.
You can go to the Boarding schedule to confirm a Resident Train appointment.
There is a Reservation Confirmation report for Boarding, Grooming, Daycare and Special Services. The box will have an X if the appointment has been confirmed.
You also have the option to automatically assign confirmation numbers to appointments. You might use this option if you require clients to have their confirmation number if disputing whether the appointment was made. You'll need to have the confirmation number included in the confirmation email sent to clients.
Click on File, System Options, Global tab.
Check the box for "Automatically assign confirmation numbers".
Click on File, Business Info, Email tab. Under each module tab, check the box to 'Include confirmation number'.
The number will be on the confirmation email.
Please note: This function does not check the confirmation box. KC will automatically assign a number but users still need to tell the system if the appointment is confirmed or not. You can do this by right-clicking on the appointment and clicking Confirm, or by opening the appointment and checking the Confirmed checkbox.
You are able to search by the confirmation number to find the pet. Click on File, Search, enter the confirmation number and choose By Pet. Click Search.
It will bring up the pet's card.