Sometimes customers move away, pets become ill or someone accidentally adds two of the same pet into the system (of course this can only happen if they have used two different emails when adding the pet to the system).
In the scenarios above you will need the ability to remove a client from your database. You will take the following steps.
1. Click on Company Portal
2. Type in PetsName/Owner First Name or Owners Last name and instead of selecting the pet from the drop-down list, CLICK FIND.
3. This will pull the results of all clients who met your search criteria with a button on the far right that says REMOVE.
4. To remove this client you will simply click the REMOVE button.
5. If you accidentally removed the wrong pet (it happens; we all make mistakes), then you will go back to the Company Portal & Click Add Client
6. Select the Add Missing Client tab
If you have any difficultly or need further assistance you can always escalate a ticket at or call 866-594-6848.