There may be times when you need to refund or void a transaction through cardpointe. For example, if the card was charged twice in cardpointe but only once through Kennel Connection, you will want to refund the 2nd charge through cardpointe as you need the receipt for the 1st charge in KC for your closeout report.
Please note: Doing a refund through Cardpointe bypasses Kennel Connection so you will have no record of the transaction in your revenue reports. You should do a refund with the proper steps through Kennel Connection so that it will create a return invoice/receipt and your revenue reports will be correct.
This link will give you directions.
If you are not sure how to proceed, contact Support for assistance before doing the void/refund through Cardpointe. or 1-888-486-4343 option 2.
Log into the cardpointe portal.
Click on Reporting tab, Transactions tab.
Click on the Transaction number.
Click on Refund.
Enter the amount to be refunded and click Refund.
Void can only be done if the card was run today and has not batched out yet. Please note you will need to delete the receipt in KC under Accounting, Receipts on the voided transaction so payment can be taken again.
Log into the cardpointe portal.
Click on the Reporting tab, Transactions tab.
Click on the Transaction number.
Hit Void.
Click OK to void the transaction. This will void the entire amount.