You can make recurring grooming appointments instead of having to make them one at a time.
Recurring appointments are appointments on the same day of the week for every X weeks.
For example, you can setup a recurring appointment for Monday for every 8 weeks for 6 months.
KC will only let you make one recurring set of appointments at a time. If you make another recurring set, it will delete the current set and replace it with the new appointments.
For example, let's say your pet needs to come for a bath and groom every 6 weeks and we want to setup their appointments for the next 6 months.
On the appointment screen, choose the services, employees, rate, first date and time.
Next, click on the Recurring/pickup/delivery tab. Choose every 6 weeks for 6 months.
When you click OK to make the appointment, you will get this popup. If you click YES it will delete the future appointments and replace them with this new set of appointments.