Recurring daycare appointments

Recurring daycare appointments

You can create recurring daycare appointments at one time instead of having to enter them one at a time.

KC only lets you create one recurring set of appointments.  If you try to add another set, it will delete the current set (future appointments) and replace them with the new appointments.

Recurring appointments are appointments that are on the same days of the week, for example every Tuesday and Thursday.

If you have pets who come Monday/Wednesday one week and Tuesday/Thursday the next week, you'll need to make a recurring appointment for Monday/Wednesday and create single appointments for Tuesday and Thursdays.

On the appointment screen, click on the Recurring tab.

In our example, the pet comes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

BGNO is Bath, Groom, Nails and Other Groom.  You can check these boxes if the pet is to get a service with every appointment. 

For our pet, the Wednesday appointment is a Half day so we check that box.

We made the appointment for every other week for 6 months.

When you hit OK to make the appointment you will get this prompt.  Hit YES to create the appointment and delete any future appointments to be replaced with this set, or NO to go back to the appointment screen to make changes or cancel the appointment.

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    For use ONLY outside of business hours. (Mon-Fri, 8am to 7pm ET). 

    To avoid any delay, be sure to search this knowledgebase for your issue prior to submitting a ticket. Most answers can be found here.

    If you're issue does NOT consist of one of the following, please email with your issue to create a ticket and someone will get back to you on the next business day. 

    - Kennel Connection Desktop - Will not open on any machine including server. 
    - KC-Cloud - Cannot login/spinning and you've verified you have Internet.
    - KC Online Reservations - Clients are getting an error upon login or cannot book ANY reservations.
    - Hello-Groom - Cannot login/spinning and you've verified you have Internet.
    - Credit Card Processing - Cannot take payments at all from any method.
    - PawLoyalty - Cannot login/spinning or extreme latency and you've verified you have Internet.

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