You are able to add module specific pet notes that will only apply to that module. The pet notes will be automatically populated on the appointment screen and will print on the cards.
Open the pet card, Notes tab, Appt Notes tab.
Hit Add Note.
Check the box(es) for the modules it applies to and enter the note. Hit OK when done.
You can add multiple notes and they can apply to 1 or more modules.
For our pet Sluggo, we added a note that applies to Boarding and Daycare.
The note will be added to the boarding appointment screen and print on the kennel card.
It will also be added to the daycare appointment screen and print on the daycare card.
We added a note that applies only to Grooming.
It will show on the grooming appointment screen and print on the groom card.
We added another note that only applies to Petsitting.
It will show on the petsitting appointment screen and will print on the work order.
Multi-pet bookings will show notes for all pets.