Pet Classification
Update the Weight Logic
The system should update the Size Classification based upon the Weight. Once a
user enters a Weight it shall automatically update the Size Classification as follows.
Classification Weight Limit
Small Dog 0 - <=35
Medium Dog 35> - <=55
Large Dog 55> - <= 75
Extra Large Dog > 75
The update shall take place on;
• When adding and updating the Weight manually It will be updated to “Small”, when a pet is initially added to the system. Upon entering the weight, it would update the classification based upon the entered value • When Importing the customer (Data Import) If the weight is not given, then it will be updated to “Small”
Also, users should have the ability to override the Classification manually (when they
enter a Weight after overriding it manually then it would automatically update the
classification based upon the Weight; recent change will appear on the Profile).