PayGuardian Certificate Update

PayGuardian Certificate Update

Security Notice: Action Required

SSL Certificate Expiration

PayGuardian Desktop Notice



If you are receiving an SSL/Certificate error when attempting to process credit cards through Kennel Connection and you are a PayGuardian use, you must follow these steps. 
This is an annual update of the SSL certificate required to process credit cards. This process must be done on any machine that you use Kennel Connection to run credit card transactions on. (If you have machines that have KC installed but you do not process credit cards from, you can skip those machines.) This process will take no more than a couple minutes. Please see the steps below:

Prefer a video to follow? Click here: 
Download the update files located here: 

Open your downloads folder (do not open the zip folder if your browser prompts you to.) Right click on the downloaded zip folder and choose extract all.

Click the extract button. It will now extract the files and open up a new window showing you the extracted “PayGuardianCertUpdateTool” folder. Double click it to open that folder.

Locate the application file called “PayGuardianCertUpdateTool.exe (it may or may not show the .exe at the end but the file will look like this:

Double click that file to run it. It will now open up a small application called the “BridgePayTool”. Click the button that says, “Update SSL Certificate”.

This may take a few seconds to complete. When it’s done it will show success.

 You may close the application and any associated windows that are open and begin processing credit cards again. 

    After-Hours Emergency Support
    For use ONLY outside of business hours. (Mon-Fri, 8am to 7pm ET). 

    To avoid any delay, be sure to search this knowledgebase for your issue prior to submitting a ticket. Most answers can be found here.

    If you're issue does NOT consist of one of the following, please email with your issue to create a ticket and someone will get back to you on the next business day. 

    - Kennel Connection Desktop - Will not open on any machine including server. 
    - KC-Cloud - Cannot login/spinning and you've verified you have Internet.
    - KC Online Reservations - Clients are getting an error upon login or cannot book ANY reservations.
    - Hello-Groom - Cannot login/spinning and you've verified you have Internet.
    - Credit Card Processing - Cannot take payments at all from any method.
    - PawLoyalty - Cannot login/spinning or extreme latency and you've verified you have Internet.

    *Utilizing the emergency support for non-emergencies will not receive a call back.
    *Users without a valid subscription will not receive a call back and will need to speak with a sales representative on the next business day.