PawLoyalty - Using report cards

PawLoyalty - Using report cards

Click on PawLoyalty, Administration.

Click on Report Cards.

This is where you setup the content that is available to be added on report cards.

Click Configure on the module you want to edit.

Add title and subjects.  Add subjects that you can create general content for as the content will be available for all pets.

Here are examples for Subjects for a daycare card.

Next, click on the Content tab.  Choose the subject and create your custom content.  You can create as many custom contents as needed.  

Now you are ready to use the cards.  On the Company Portal, click the Plus sign.

Click on Report card.

You can choose a specific pet, or you can choose a specific group of pets.

Click Go.  This will open a new tab to the report card screen.

You can attach multiple pictures or a video by clicking the Upload button.

Next you will be able to choose the custom contents for your subjects.  Click on Select to see all of the options.
You can also type in your own text on this screen.

When clicking Select, you will see all of your Custom Content to choose from.

You can also type in text here.

You can click the Preview button to see if you need to edit anything before sending it to the client.
You can also click to save the report card to the client profile if desired.

If you click to Save the report card to the client profile, you will be able to see them by clicking on Report Card Notes under the correct pet.

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