PawLoyalty - EditLog report

PawLoyalty - EditLog report

The EditLog report lets you track all the changes in your system for the specified date range.

Click on Reports, EditLog report.

You can choose any date range.  If you just want to see what happened today, keep it on today's date.  

If you're trying to track down a specific issue (for example, why a package didn't count down at checkout), you would put the date range to include when the package was sold, all the way through to when the pet was checked out and the invoice created.

Enter the date range and hit Go.

To search for a specific pet or client, click these buttons on your keyboard:  Ctrl (Control), F.

Type in the name and it will highlight all those entries on the report.  It will also tell you how many times the pet/client shows on the report.

There are two parts to this report.

Edit Log will tell you the changes made to appointments.

The Pet Profile Edit Log will tell you what changes are made to the pet profile.

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