PawLoyalty - Assigning employees to add-on services

PawLoyalty - Assigning employees to add on services

When adding an add-on groom service to an appointment, PawLoyalty will assign it to the first employee available that has that service assigned to them.  

You can change who the service is assigned to by moving the appointment on the Employee Calendar.  You can click/drag the appointment to a different day/time for another employee.

You can set a preferred groomer overall or for each individual pet and then the add-on service will be assigned to this employee.

For the pet:  Go the pet card and hit Edit Profile.

Scroll down to choose the preferred groomer. Click Save Section Changes.

To set an overall default groomer, click on PawLoyalty, Administration.

Click on Policies.

Choose the preferred groomer.  Scroll to the bottom and click Update.  Add-on services will be assigned to this employee.

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