To add discounts, click on PawLoyalty, Incentives.
Frequency discounts - Gives a discount if a pet comes for a service X amount of times within a date range. For example, you can give 30% off for daycare if they come for 10 visits within 2 weeks.
Combined Services discounts - Gives a discount if a pet receives a combination of services.
Multiple Pet Discounts - Gives a discount if an owner brings multiple pets for a specified service.
Discount Profiles - These are added to the pet card so the particular service is discounted on every invoice.
Frequency discounts
Let's setup a discount where a client will receive 30% off Daycare if they come for 10 visits within 14 days.
Enter a name.
Choose the service.
Count - This is how many visits the pet must come for in order to apply for the discount.
Within - This is the number of days a pet has to come for the number of visits.
Enter a fixed rate or percentage for the discount.
Enter a start date and end date if it applies.
Click Add.
Combined services discount
Let's setup a discount that gives a free bath + brush if a pet boards for 7 nights.
Enter the name of the discount.
Choose the main service, Overnight boarding in this case.
Count - the number of Overnight a pet must stay in order to receive the discount.
Discounted service - this is the service that will be discounted if the pet stays for the count of the main service.
Enter a fixed rate or percentage for the discount (100% for a free bath).
Enter a start date and ending date if it applies.
Click Add.
This discount will apply to every boarding stay over 7 nights that includes a Bath + Brush service.
Multiple Pet discounts
Let's setup a discount for multiple pets for an overnight boarding stay.
Enter the name of the discount.
Choose the service, Overnight boarding in this case.
Please note: You can also setup Multiple pet discounts for Activity (packages) or Early checkins and Late checkout fees.
Enter the fixed or percentage discount rate for each pet.
Enter a start date and ending date if it applies.
Click Add.
This appointment is for 3 pets so pets 2 and 3 will receive the discount.
Discount profiles
Let's setup a $15 discount off boarding stays.
Enter the discount name.
Enter the fixed or percentage rate.
Click the Apply button to turn it on.
Enter the GL (general ledger code). This is used on the revenue report to show how your revenue is broken down.
Choose the services this discount will apply to.
Click Add.
To add the Discount profile. go to the pet card. Click Edit Profile.
Scroll down and click Add in the Pet Discount Profiles section.
Choose the discounts to apply.
Click Save.
This discount will now be applied to every invoice for this pet for Boarding.