OLR Grooming - Choose groom services explained

OLR Grooming - Choose groom services explained

In this section, you can add groom services that you want your customers to be able to choose from when making an OLR. KC desktop has the default choices of Bath, Groom, Nails or Other as well as "Other services" but you can add your own items now in OLR! 

Your editing view:

In this example above, you can see other items/packages added to the grooming options and the check marks under the "Active" column show which ones are available to choose from when your customers are making an appointment. 

Here we'll take the Nail Buffing Add-On as an example. You can see here we added this add-on and linked it to "Other". Since KC desktop has "Other" set as a different rate and we ONLY wanted to charged $5.00 for this add-on, we chose the "Override/Custom Rate Only". So this means the customer will only be charged $5.00 for this service. 

Customers view when making reservation:

Here we've added a new offering called Spatacular Day and have linked it to multiple items for pricing.

For the BATH we're using the BATH rate we have already set in KC desktop + an additional $5.00 so we chose the "KC Desktop BATH rate + Extra" and entered in the amount of $5.00.

For GROOM, we wanted to use the default GROOM rate set in KC desktop so we left it as "KC Desktop Rate only". Same goes for NAILS

For OTHER since we wanted to charge $4.00 for the cologne or perfume, we chose the "Override/Custom Rate Only" option so this will ONLY charge $4.00for this "Other" service. 

Customers view when making reservation:

The price on Spatacular day shows $109 because the default bath price in KC desktop is set to 25. The default groom rate is set to 65 and nails are set to 10. 

25+65+10 = 100

Then we added an extra $5.00 charge on to the bath + the $4.00 other charge which takes care of the cologne or perfume which totals $9.00

25+65+10+5+4 = $109

You can also choose to link to an already existing OTHER SERVICE from KC desktop. 

To setup your own combos or packages as an "Other Service", first go into KC desktop and open File, Lists and click on the "Other services" tab. In here you'll want to click "New Item" and then enter the proper details.  

Then in the OLR settings/Groom Services tab you can click Add Row and enter in the information for the service you're adding and link it to the already existing Other Service. 

Your edit view:

Customer view when making reservation:

Active: This checkbox makes the service display or not display to your customers when making an OLR. 

Service Title: This is the title of the service. 

Description: This is the description the customer will read.

Linked to: This is the category that you want this particular service to show on invoices as. 

Other Service Link: This is where you'll click to choose the service you added in KC Desktop. 

Pet Type: If this service only applies to a certain pet type, choose the type. If applies to all, leave blank. 

Rate: Price of the service

Show Price: If you wish for the customer to see price, choose this option. 

Duration: Length of service.

Order: Use this arrows to change the order of your services. 

Modules: If you wish to associate a service only with specific modules (board, daycare, grooming) choose the modules. 

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