OLR general Daycare settings explained

OLR general Daycare settings explained

Here is an overview of some of the settings for the daycare module. 

General Settings

Allow clients to make appointments. This option enables or disables the ability for your customers to choose "daycare" in the OLR system. If you need to turn daycare OLR off for any reason, uncheck and save. 

Require approval before saving the appointment to the database. This option allows you to make your OLR appointments go to the pending approval page before they are confirmed. This allows you and your staff to view the appointment details, make run changes or other changes before saving and confirming. Your customers will see a message that their appointment has been submitted but is pending approval. Once approved, if you use confirmation emails, they will receive a confirmation email. 

Clients can cancel appointments with at least ____ hours notice. This option allows you to set a time where you accept cancellations. If you set it to "1" hour and your customer attempts to cancel from the Client Portal within 1 hour, it will not let them. 

Limit bookings up to ___ days in the future. This option allows you to set a number of days that your customers can make appointments. Some facilities only like to schedule bookings up to a certain number of days in the future. Leaving blank will allow for 365 days. 

Restrict customer arrival/departure times. This options if enabled allows you to restrict drop off and pickup times (arrival/depart.) Click to enable the option and then choose your arrival start and end times and your departure start and end times. This is handy for businesses that have certain drop off and pickup hours for daycare. 

Require at least one item for service: Checking one of these items will make it so your customers are required to choose at least 1 item on that page of the online reservations. 

Time Requirements: Choosing the "require in time" will make it so customer making OLR must choose an in time. Choosing "require out time" will make it so customer making OLR must choose an out time. 

Max bookings for any day: This is the total number of bookings you'll allow through OLR for this module per day. 

For Dogs: Max number of dogs you'll allow through OLR for this module per day. 

For Cats: Max number of cats you'll allow through OLR for this module per day. 

Minimum notices required for customer bookings. 

    Same day not allowed. This option makes it so your customers cannot create a board booking that same day. Example: If today is Wednesday at 9am and I'm logging in to your OLR site to make a boarding reservation and I want to drop off today, with this option, I will not be able to choose today as the start date. 

    Allow same day with ___ hours of notice. This option if enabled makes it so your customers CAN choose the same day for drop off but depending on the # of hours you set here it will require they wait at least that long.

Send denial email when denying pending appointments: Enabling this option will allow you to choose to send a denial email when denying an OLR appointment. You'll be able to send this default message or customize the message at the time of denial. Learn more here: Email & Notification options for OLR (Confirm/deny & Staff notifications)

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