OLR Exercises setup

OLR Exercises setup

If you're going to allow your customers to choose exercise options for their bookings, you'll need to configure the exercise items first. 

When adding exercises, they must already be added in KC desktop as this is where it will pull the item from. If you have not already setup your exercises in desktop, you should go do that now. Once added, return to the OLR setup. 

  • On the exercises page, click "Add New" to create a new row.

  • If this will be "active" meaning available for your customers to choose during an OLR, place a check mark in the active box.

  • Click in the "linked item" field and your exercise from KC desktop will populate. Choose the proper one.  This is a requirement or it won't invoice properly.  Your client won't see this name.

  • Set your title which your clients will see.  You can have any title you want.

  • Set your description which your clients will see.  You can add any description you want.  This is a great opportunity to have a description that excites clients and they'll want to choose it for their pet.

  • Set your rate (if charging)

  • Choose to show price to customers or not.

  • Then you can set the time you would like these services to be available. For example you may have many customers where their pets should get exercise morning and night or afternoon and night or just night. Whichever it may be. In this case if you're ok with offering this certain exercises at any time, choose all three (morning, afternoon & night.) If you only want to offer an exercise in the morning, choose morning. If you don't want your customers to be able to choose a time at all, do not select any of these options. 
  • Use the Up/Down arrows to set the order these will show on the OLR appointment screen.
  • Be sure to hit Save Settings at the top of the screen when done.

Your editing view:

Your customers view when making a reservation:

Note that in the image above, the text with instructions on choosing exercises, is custom. Learn how to edit that text here: OLR Boarding "customize pages" explained

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