OLR Daycare - Departure services

OLR Daycare - Departure services

You must have the grooming module to add grooming departure services.  Contact Sales@SoftwareConnectionLLC.com or 1-888-486-4343 option 1 to add grooming.

To add your options, click on Online Reservations, OLR Settings, Grooming Departure Services.

Here you can add as many groom and departure services as you'd like.  There can be combination services so it's just not a bath, not just a groom, etc. but maybe you have a service that includes a bath, groom and nail trim.

Here are some examples.  Your client will see the title and description and you are able to customize those messages.
The Active box must be checked in order for it to show as an option on the OLR system.

Click the pencil to edit the existing item or click Add Row to add a new one.

Enter the title and description.
Click the box if you'd like to display the price.
Enter the duration.  If this is blank, it uses the duration set in File, System Options, Grooming tab.
If this service is specific to a pet type, choose that from the drop down.  If all pet types can get this service, leave that blank.
Choose which modules can use this service.  For example, if this service can only be a standalone grooming appointment, check the Grooming box only.  If this service can also be a departure service for boarding and daycare, check all boxes.

Choose the service this item is linked to.  These settings will check those boxes on the appointment screen and the invoice will list a line item for each service.  Some examples are:

If you have a luxury spa service that includes bath, groom, and nails but only want the invoice to show the price for the Groom, you will only check the groom box.

If you have a bath service that includes a bath, nail trim and anal glands expressed and you want the invoice to show a line for just the Bath and the anal glands, you'll check the Bath box and choose Anal Glands in the Linked to items.

This example is a luxury spa service that includes a groom, bath, nails and anal glands expressed and I want the invoice to show each item.
I check the boxes for bath, groom, nails.  I want OLR to set the desktop rates for bath and groom so I leave it as 'KC Desktop rate only'.
Nails are always $15 so I choose 'Override/Custom Rate Only' and enter 15.
I also want the invoice to show a line for anal glands so I choose that as the Link to option and it loads $22 from the price in File, Lists, Other Services.
Hit OK when done.

To enable departure services, click on Page to Display and check the Departure Services box.  Be sure to click Save Settings.

Now your client will have these options for departure services.

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