OLR - Business hours explained

OLR - Business hours explained

**This document applies to each module. 

Each module gives you the option to enter module specific hours OR copy your regular operational hours from KC desktop. 

In this first section for default business hours, you have multiple options for different business modals. 

1. First, if you have your operating hours set in KC desktop (File, Bus. Info, Enforce operating hours,) you can click the "Copy from KC Desktop" button. This will populate the default groom service hours with your general business hours. This works if your business runs on one set of general hours only. 

2. You can set grooming hours here by clicking the "Set". Then choose your open to close range. 

Do this for each day. (Make sure you place a check mark in the "Open" check box if that module is open on that day.) Note that some businesses close for lunch or during a certain time. Here you can set two sets of hours for that purpose if need be.

Be advised that these hours are for GROOMING operations only. Example: Many facilities may be open every day from 7am to 5pm however Grooming may only be offered from 9-3. Setting these hours differently from your hours of operation allow groom bookings to only be made within these set hours. 

3. The third option is if you have only certain times per day where grooming appointments can be made. To set these time slots click the "Set" button and then instead of choosing a range, choose "Choose specific timeslots". Then select the timeslots that grooming appointments can be made for that day of the week. Example: Many businesses may be open from 7am to 5pm but they may only want groom appointments at 9, 12 and 3 (three appointments per day.) Choosing this option would accomplish this. Click Apply once selected. 

When you choose this option and your customers go to book a groom appointment and you have grooming appointments based off business hours, they will only see these timeslots to choose from. 

Special Hours

Special hours will override your regular set hours for the date or date range you choose. These come in handy if you have special holiday hours or need to temporarily change your hours for a date range. Remember, when these are set to "override normal", these will take the place of your default business hours. 

Above here you can see that these special hours are set from 12/23 to 12/31. Each day has been set to override the default hours and they are closed on Sundays during this time range.  On 1/1, it will automatically revert to the default business hours. 

You are provided 3 sets of special hours. All serve the same purpose. 

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    After-Hours Emergency Support
    For use ONLY outside of business hours. (Mon-Fri, 8am to 7pm ET). 

    To avoid any delay, be sure to search this knowledgebase for your issue prior to submitting a ticket. Most answers can be found here.

    If you're issue does NOT consist of one of the following, please email support@kennelconnection.com with your issue to create a ticket and someone will get back to you on the next business day. 

    - Kennel Connection Desktop - Will not open on any machine including server. 
    - KC-Cloud - Cannot login/spinning and you've verified you have Internet.
    - KC Online Reservations - Clients are getting an error upon login or cannot book ANY reservations.
    - Hello-Groom - Cannot login/spinning and you've verified you have Internet.
    - Credit Card Processing - Cannot take payments at all from any method.
    - PawLoyalty - Cannot login/spinning or extreme latency and you've verified you have Internet.

    *Utilizing the emergency support for non-emergencies will not receive a call back.
    *Users without a valid subscription will not receive a call back and will need to speak with a sales representative on the next business day.