Occupancy report

Occupancy report

Reports, Boarding, Occupancy has several reports to print.

Please note:  If the Statistics reports print 0, you need to adjust the board settings and print the report again.

Important:  These settings determine what numbers are displayed on reports and on the boarding schedule.  Make note of what boxes you have checked as you will need to change them back to the original settings after you print the report. 

Click on File, System Options, Boarding tab.  Check the 1st and 3rd box, but leave the 2nd box unchecked in the area circled in red.   Hit OK to save and then print the reports.  Once you are done, come back into System Options and put the settings back to what they were.

Current Statistics gives you a count of how many pets are boarding and a total for each day, for the month and a grand total.

Roll call gives you a list of pets on the boarding schedule for the day.  You can choose to print only the list of checked in pets or all pets on the schedule.  You can choose what sort order the report prints in by choosing the option from the drop down.

Run Availability gives you a list of open runs for the day.  You can choose all runs being vacated means the pet is checking out today but it can be at any time.  Or you can choose only runs where the pet is already checked out.

Run Summary gives you the list of runs and what pet is in what run. 

Year over Year Comparison Statistics will give you a total of pets boarding for each day and show the total for the same date last year, then give a percentage of how much the number increased or decreased.

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