You are able to easily move pets through the run glance. You can move for their entire stay in one screen and can choose if you want to move all pets of the family to the same runs.
Select the location to see the Run Glance for that location.
Click on Boarding, Run Glance.
Details will display if you hold your mouse over the date, including arrival/departure times and client name.
Double click on the appointment you'd like to move.
You can click on an occupied run to the move the pet to. KC will not warn about this and accept you meant to choose an occupied run.
If it is a single appointment, it will display like this. The Run Glance will show all of the runs and if they are occupied. You simply click on the run(s) to move the pet to. No matter how long the appointment is for you can move all dates of that appointment through this screen by using the scroll bar.
In this example, we are moving Larry from Run 08 to runs 16 and 18.
Click Transfer and you will get this message. Click Yes.
Larry has now been moved to the new runs.
If this is a long appointment and you don't want to click on each day, you can just click on the run name and it will choose that run for all dates. In this example, Dragon's appt is 2 weeks long. Instead of clicking on the grid for each day, click on 24 and it will choose that run for all days of the appointment.
If this run has multiple appointments with the same date range, you can choose which pet(s) you'd like to move.
If this run has multiple appointments with different date ranges, you will need to choose which pet you'd like to move.