Multilocation - Daycare Rooms/Types and Multipet rates

Multilocation - Daycare Rooms/Types and Multipet rates

Daycare Rooms/Types must be set for each location.

You can set multipet rates for daycare bookings under File, Lists, Daycare Rooms or Types.

You can set it up for both Full days and Half days.

The first pet rate is the Full Day Rate and Half Day Rate.

Enter prices for the 2nd - 5th pet.

Hit Save after each one.

Please note:  The multipet rates will only apply if you book the pets as part of a multipet booking and add them to the same daycare room/type.

Choose the Daycare room/type and click on each pet to see their rates.

For half day stays, check the Half day box on the appointment screen and it will load the half day price.

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