Multilocation - Custom Menu Setup

Multilocation - Custom Menu Setup

You are able to create your own custom menus, hiding items you don't need and sorting items in order of importance.  You are able to add sub-menu items as a main entry item for easier access.  You can add as many menus as needed.  You can create menus for individual employees or based on user type.

Some examples might be: 

Front desk menu, who only needs to create appointments, check pets in/out and create invoices/take payments.

Kennel staff menu, who only need access to feed, medication, exercise and Other Services reports.

Owner menu who only needs access to invoices/receipts, revenue reports and statistical reports for each module.

Menus must be created for each location.

To create your menu, click on Setup, Menu Setup.

Click on Add Menu Layout.

Enter the Menu name.  

Choose who the menu is available for.  Example:  If you create a menu for revenue reports, this might only be available for employees marked as Administrators.  Click here to learn about User types.

Next you must add the menu items you want to be able to choose on this menu.

You can either click on the item and hit the Add/Remove buttons (circled in yellow)
Or you can click the item and drag it over to the Custom List (green arrow).

You are able to change the order of the items by dragging them up and down.  You can add items as a sub-menu option to another main menu item.  You can bring out sub-menu items and create its own entry in the menu.

Sort Order

To change the sort order, click and drag the menu item up or down the list.  You'll see it expand and this green Insert here.  When you let go of your mouse, the item will be added here in the sort order.

In this example, I can move Online Reservations from the bottom of the screen to underneath the dashboard.

Sub-menu items

To create sub-item menus, click/drag the item over the main menu option and you'll see this green Add to Folder option.  Let go of the mouse and this item will now be a sub-menu item.

For example, let's say I want to move Employees to the Manage menu.  Click/drag employees on top of Manage to Add to Folder.

Now Employees is a sub-menu item to Manage.

Main menu items

To take sub-menu items and create their own main menu entry, click on the item and drag it to Insert Here.  When you let go of the mouse, this will now be a main menu item.

For example, I want to move Pending Appointments from the menu of Online Reservations and create a main menu entry.  Drag it to Insert here and let go of the mouse. 

You can also use the Add/Remove buttons to move columns around.

For example, if I want to move Business Info to my custom menu, click on the item and hit Add.  It will be added to the bottom of the menu and then you can click/drag it to the correct location.

You can choose the menu that displays by clicking on Old Classic Menu.  This will show all of your custom menu options and you can choose the one you want.

If there is a menu marked available for User Type Administrator, then only administrators will have access.  In our examples, Owner Menu is set to be available for only Administrators.  If I login as any other user type, Owner Menu doesn't show as an option.

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